Monday, February 1, 2016

Reasearch: Production Houses

  • Production houses involved.
  • Are they part of a conglomerate?
  • How they raise funds?
  • Examples of conglomerates.
  • What else does your conglomerate do and how it benefits the company
  • History.
  • Primary audience .
  • Financing ( independent company or part of a bigger conglomerate) ( pre-sales {often dependent on key features like a well known actor} , govt grants, tax scheme/shelter).
  • Who distributes their films.
  • How successful have they been (in terms of critics and the box office success: how much did the movie make.)
  • Did they release world wide?
  • House style and branding ( what kind of films they make? use of actors? over the years)
  • Ideology of the production house.(eg. Disney promotes family values etc)
  • Look at the history of your movie's production house.
  • Look up the dates the conglomerate formed.
  • Some key films and the budget and the box office 
  • Notable films they made that were successful and won awards
  • What the studio owners say and believe (brand/house ideology) 
  • Revenue/ profit ( Gross Ancillary sales, Merchandising, Product Placement)
  • Demographic of the media product.

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